Worship with Joy at St. Clare’s Episcopal Church

We invite everyone to join us for in-person worship at 8:30a & 10:30a every Sunday!

World Water Day

World Water Day

World Water Day is a UN observance focusing on the importance of fresh water for humanity and ways in which we can preserve it. This year's focus is on preserving glaciers and the benefits they...



9:40 - 10:10 a.m., classroom 4/5 This Lent we'll hold a forum between Sunday services, presenting the following speakers / topics. Child care is available - please contact Eliza. March 9 | Arguments...

Transgender Day of Visibility Evensong

Transgender Day of Visibility Evensong

4 p.m. on Sunday, March 30, at Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Detroit, the Rev. Toby Darrah preaching Pssst! Our very own amazing Rev. Toby has been invited to preach at the diocesan Transgender Day...