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Alpha House Volunteers Needed
For the week of March 3, St. Clare’s and Temple Beth Emeth will provide volunteers at Alpha House to provide dinners and brunches for their residents. You can make the food or buy prepared food and bring it to Alpha House any time before mid-afternoon. Volunteers are...
St. Aidan’s – Sharing of Food Items
A cross section of the children at the sharing of food items.
Corner Shower and Laundry Supply Drive
Our Outreach Commission is spearheading a supply drive for Corner Shower and Laundry in Detroit. CSL offers clean and safe shower and laundry facilities where the homeless and others in need in the community can shower and launder their clothes. Bring your donations...
Christmas Eve Community Luncheon
Tuesday, December 24, noon lunch and 1 p.m. Christmas Eve service St. Clare’s will once again host a luncheon at noon on Christmas Eve at noon for residents of the Delonis Center and Back Door Food Pantry patrons, as well as anyone in the community who would like a...
Volunteer at Alpha House, Dec 23-29
It’s that time again in which St. Clare’s and Temple Beth Emeth provide volunteers at Alpha House to provide dinners and brunches as well as volunteers to supervise children after dinner so that the adults can get a bit of time to themselves. Please use THE ALPHA...
Socks, Hats, and Gloves
During Advent, we collect your donations, in adult sizes, to be distributed to those in our community who are homeless. Warm socks are especially important to those who spend most of their time outdoors. Please place your donations in the manger on the bima during the...
From Haiti Outreach Mission
The Executive Council of the Haiti Outreach Mission (HOM) held its annual general meeting via Zoom on Sunday November 10, 2024. HOM is a 501c3 organization headquartered in Troy, MI whose mission is to share God's love and the Good News of Christ through service and...
Haiti Outreach Mission Annual Meeting
Sunday November 10, 2 p.m. via Zoom The Annual Meeting for Haiti Outreach Mission (HOM) Board Members (Pastors and Rectors and/or their representatives of our supporting churches), and our priest partners in Haiti, and all other interested persons, will be...
Donate to Hurricane Relief
Donate to Episcopal Relief and Development’s Hurricane Relief Fund here: https://www.episcopalrelief.org/. God of the present moment, God who in Jesus stills the storm and soothes the frantic heart; Bring hope and courage to all as we wait in uncertainty. Bring hope...
Update From Haiti
Thanks to all who have donated to Haiti Outreach Mission this year! In addition to providing monthly salaries to the staff of the St. Pierre Medical and Dental Clinics, your donations paid for installing a solar array at the clinics, repairing the St. Louis water...
2024 Wine Auction Fundraiser
Fellow Wine Enthusiast and Outreach Supporter! St. Clare’s Outreach Commission is selling wines in September! ALL orders must be received by Sunday, September 22. The wines are listed on the order form found at www.saintclareschurch.org/wine; items on page...
Help a Refugee Family Resettle in the US
For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me. --Matthew 25:35 St. Clare’s is teaming up with the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Ann Arbor to sponsor a refugee family who had to leave their...