Fellow Wine Enthusiast and Outreach Supporter! St. Clare’s Outreach Commission is selling wines in September! ALL orders must be received by Sunday, September 22.
The wines are listed on the order form found at www.saintclareschurch.org/wine; items on page 2, listed as “By Case Only,” are NOT included in mixed cases! Each wine is available by the case; in addition, we also offer three different mixed cases:
- Full mix (6 red/6 white wines)
- Red-only mix (2 of each of 6 red wines)
- White-only mix (2 of each of 6 white wines)
The price for each wine reflects a tax-deductible contribution of $60 to the work of the Outreach Committee; this $60 and every dollar over the price goes directly to support our work in local outreach projects. We hope to raise at least $11,000— your generous donations help us reach our goal.
Please get your orders in early. We must have ALL orders by Sunday, September 22 to ensure we order the proper amount of wine.
St. Clare Outreach Commission Fundraiser, Wine Team