We’re stocking up on popcorn and spiffing up the Red Carpet! The Academy Award nominations are anticipated on Wednesday, January 23. And that means, it’s movie watching time! Saint Clare’s & Friends movie fans will again try to get to (or watch at home) the Best Picture nominees (and maybe others if we can pull it off). Join us either in the theater or for at home viewing and post-viewing chats during upcoming weekends! Capped off by a fabulous Oscar Watching Party on Sunday, March 2!

If you haven’t gotten an email from us and would like to join the email group, get in touch with Barbara Beaton ASAP and we’ll get you connected. We may be heading out to a matinee or early evening show on Saturday, January 18 to get things rolling (letting the Golden Globe wins guide us). Look for email about that if it’s happening! And if you have movie fan friends that you think might be interested in joining us, please share this information (and/or the email about it).

Looking forward to watching movies and sharing thoughts and snacks!
–Barbara Beaton, Christine Cook, and Margaret Petersen