On Sunday, January 26, we will hold a single worship service at 10 a.m., followed by our Annual Meeting at about 11:15 a.m. You can participate onsite or online. Children 5th grade and younger will have their own activities in the Lower Level during the annual meeting.

The business of the annual meeting includes electing members of the vestry and representatives for diocesan convention, thanking our outgoing leaders, and hearing a financial report from our esteemed and often hilarious treasurers. Click here for the Nominees for Vestry, Diocesan Convention delegates, and Genesis Board. Visit www.saintclareschurch.org/2024reports for the reports from our various leadership, commissions, and teams. This handout includes the agenda, music we will sing during the meeting, and a commissioning to recognize changes in leadership.

Eligible voters have been at St. Clare’s for at least 6 months and are at least 16 years of age.

Mark your calendars and join in this celebration of our congregation’s life together!