A huge thank you to all of you who agreed to serve on vestry, to serve as a delegate to Diocesan Convention, or to serve on the Genesis Board. We can’t do what we do without you!

At our Annual Meeting on January 26, we elected four people to 3-year terms on vestry starting now, 3 people to serve as our representatives at this fall’s Diocesan Convention, and 1 person to the Genesis Board starting July 1. Results follow.

VESTRY: new members are Sarah Barbrow, Kim Dolan, Joan Nuxoll, and Jackie Sproat. Continuing members are Barbara Beaton (senior warden), Mac Dick, Susan Jones Draffen, Vera Schwankl (junior warden), Lucia Cooper, Mark Davis-Craig, Geoffrey Ringlee, and Barbara Scoville.

DELEGATES TO DIOCESAN CONVENTION: David Laurance, Janie Little, and Cathy Stone. Alternates are Kate Morris Curtin, Matt Evett, Vickie Hatt, and Eileen McMyler.

GENESIS BOARD REPRESENTATIVE: Abram Wagner was confirmed as representative to Genesis Board, beginning July 1.