Would you like to be a part of making church happen on Sunday mornings? All of these roles are open to everyone (even kids)!

  • Ushers welcome people to church and help make communion go smoothly.
  • Lectors read the Word of God to the congregation, and Intercessors pray the land acknowledgment and prayers of the people at the 10:30 service.
  • Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs) serve the 2nd chalice at the 10:30 service.
  • Coffee Hour hosts make coffee and bring or lay out snacks.

Ushers and Coffee Hour Hosts have a written set of instructions to orient you (and you work in pairs, so you can learn from your partner the first few times!). Lectors, intercessors, and LEMs can check in with Rev. Anne before the service for instructions. Lectors can serve online via Zoom with some special instructions.

Click here to sign up. You’ll create an account in our scheduling software (Ministry Scheduler Pro), choose your ministry(ies), and choose your preferred worship service.