While our school-year programs rest and renew during the summer, we’ll gather on Sunday mornings for Children’s Worship.

Who? Children ages ~2-7, with Eliza (Children & Youth Director) and a guest leader from the congregation. Leaders are trained and Safe Church certified.

Where and when? Starting on Sunday, June 16, we’ll share Children’s Worship in rooms 4/5 during the 10:30 service. We’ll start in the sanctuary at 10:30 and, after the Collect, the celebrant will invite children to accompany leaders to rooms 4/5. Children will rejoin their caregivers in the sanctuary around the Peace.

(Caregivers are welcome to join their children for all or part of Children’s Worship; likewise, children are welcome to stay in the sanctuary with their caregivers. We welcome your children and family in whichever space feels right.)

On Sunday, July 7, August 11, and September 1, we will not have Children’s Worship and, instead, worship together in the sanctuary.

What? Songs, stories, and activities, infused with worship, prayer, and play!

Our school-year programs– Children’s Chapel, Church School, and Youth Group on Sundays, and Cantabile and WonderBuds on Wednesdays– will resume on Sunday, September 8, and Wednesday, September 11.

To connect, ask questions, or learn more, contact Eliza anytime! eliza@saintclareschurch.org