Here is some information for our visitors and newcomers. We look forward to greeting you personally and hope you feel at home.

What kind of church is St. Clare's?
Welcoming! St. Clare’s is an Episcopal church. As a community, we strive to fulfill our mission: Worship with Joy, Grow in Faith, and Act for Justice. As Episcopalians, we affirm God’s presence both in the world and in the spirit of scientific inquiry. We are open to the Spirit, and we love sacramental, liturgical worship. We welcome all people, young and old, advantaged and disadvantaged, those of every political persuasion and religious background, and of diverse sexual and gender orientations, to join with us in a loving fellowship of all of God’s children.

Our beliefs are expressed in our worship, where, with congregational participation, we seek to give praise and thanks to God in the name of Jesus Christ.
What are your service times?
How can I learn more about St. Clare's?

Use our website’s contact page to connect with us. On Sundays, please fill out Welcome (contact) card found on the lectern near the ramp as you enter the sanctuary so we can contact you. This website offers information about our ministries for Children, Youth and Adults, our Music, our Worship, Recent Sermons, St. Clare’s Events and News, our Outreach work and more. After each Sunday service, we have a Coffee Hour which provides a great way to meet and ask any questions you may have. Please join us in fellowship and introduce yourself. We want to get to know you. In addition, information on upcoming educational opportunities and parish events is often on display at Coffee Hour and in our service bulletin. Hope you will join us.
How can I become involved?

Attend a Newcomer Class or Dinner (contact us for details).

Grow in Faith

  • Join an ongoing Cell Group
  • Attend a Newcomers Class or Dinner
  • Participate in a Bible Study
  • Learn about our different ministries

Worship with Joy

  • Music/Singing: Adult Choir, Children’s Choir (K-6th grade), and Tone Chimes (occasional).
  • Provide worship support including: Acolyte, Altar Guild, Eucharistic Minister, Greeter, Intercessor, Lector, Usher and Verger.

Act for Justice

Hospitality and Fellowship Ministries

  • Provide snacks for Coffee Hour
  • Visit the sick & housebound
  • Take meals to parish families when needed
  • Attend or host Fellowship dinners

Organizational Support

  • Provide office assistance
  • Join a Commission: Care & Belonging, Children & Youth, Stewardship, Adult Education, Parish Resources and Worship.
Who are our staff?
How can I join St. Clare's?

To join St. Clare’s, simply contact us. Request to be added to our online members directory. Join us for worship on a regular basis, participate in parish life and our ministries as God calls you, and support St. Clare’s through your time, talent, and treasure. If you have any questions about your faith or transferring your membership, our clergy will be glad to talk with you. Welcome to St. Clare’s!

What about name tags?

We want to meet and get to know visitors and newcomers. Single-use visitor name tags are available on the front table. Magnetic name tags are provided to those joining St. Clare’s. Contact our office to get a magnetic name tag.
What makes St. Clare's unique?

The first thing many visitors notice about St. Clare’s is that a Cross and a Star of David stand side-by-side in front of our building. These symbols show our participation in Genesis through which St. Clare’s and the Reform Jewish congregation of Temple Beth Emeth jointly own, operate and share our facilities in the Genesis partnership. St. Clare’s and the Temple participate together in a number of outreach activities, including support for homeless families through Alpha House and the Rotating Shelter, support for refugee sanctuary and resettlement, and together with the Muslim community, provide food for the hungry at the Back Door Food Pantry. We also join together yearly to give thanks for God’s bounty at our pre-Thanksgiving service, and at other social and educational events throughout the year.
How can I participate in service?
Feel free to sit anywhere. We routinely use two books during the service, The Book of Common Prayer (red book) and the 1982 Hymnal (blue book). Frequently, we also use supplemental hymnals or music printed in the service bulletin. You may stand, sit, and kneel with the congregation as you feel comfortable and are able. We take an offering, which supports the many ministries at St. Clare’s and the worldwide church. We welcome any financial gift you wish to make, and offer e-giving. As Episcopalians, Holy Communion, the liturgical remembrance of Christ’s Last Supper, is a central focus of most worship services. People of every age are welcome to take Communion at God’s table. But, if your tradition doesn’t permit you to participate, cross your arms to request an ecumenical blessing at the altar. If you are unable to drink wine or have a wheat allergy, please let the server know. Consecrated grape juice and rice wafers are also available. If your mobility is limited, please tell an usher before the service, and Communion will be brought to you at your seat. We receive the bread in our hands and respond with “Amen.” We receive wine from the cup, either guiding it to our lips after consuming the bread or by “intinction” (dipping the bread partway into the wine in the chalice before consuming it). If you are participating for the first time, follow the lead of those around you, or, if uncertain, ask someone nearby for guidance.