Here is some information for our visitors and newcomers. We look forward to greeting you personally and hope you feel at home.
What kind of church is St. Clare's?
What are your service times?
8:30a – A contemplative service of communion with limited music. Vaccination is required.
10:15a – Children’s Faith Formation for ages 2-
10:30a – A joyful service with communion and full congregational singing.
Click here for our COVID policies.
A Coffee Hour follows each Sunday service. Our youth group meets for lunch and a variety of activities following the 10:30 service.
How can I learn more about St. Clare's?
How can I become involved?
Attend a Newcomer Class or Dinner (contact us for details).
Grow in Faith
- Join an ongoing Cell Group
- Attend a Newcomers Class or Dinner
- Participate in a Bible Study
- Learn about our different ministries
Worship with Joy
- Music/Singing: Adult Choir, Children’s Choir (K-6th grade), and Tone Chimes (occasional).
- Provide worship support including: Acolyte, Altar Guild, Eucharistic Minister, Greeter, Intercessor, Lector, Usher and Verger.
Act for Justice
- Help feed the food insecure: Back Door Food Pantry
- Help shelter the homeless: Alpha House shelter (families), Rotating Shelter, support Refugee Resettlement, support Sanctuary
- Support Haiti Outreach Mission: Work on benefit events, and support relief projects.
- Participate in a Service Sunday Outreach project
Hospitality and Fellowship Ministries
- Provide snacks for Coffee Hour
- Visit the sick & housebound
- Take meals to parish families when needed
- Attend or host Fellowship dinners
Organizational Support
- Provide office assistance
- Join a Commission: Care & Belonging, Children & Youth, Stewardship, Adult Education, Parish Resources and Worship.
Who are our staff?
How can I join St. Clare's?
To join St. Clare’s, simply contact us. Request to be added to our online members directory. Join us for worship on a regular basis, participate in parish life and our ministries as God calls you, and support St. Clare’s through your time, talent, and treasure. If you have any questions about your faith or transferring your membership, our clergy will be glad to talk with you. Welcome to St. Clare’s!