Sunday Morning Ministries

Altar Guild members are responsible for setting up our sanctuary for worship before the 8:30 and 10:30 services, as well as returning it to a more neutral space following the last service. We also maintain the St. Francis Chapel for a variety of uses. It’s a ministry focused on making the worship spaces beautiful, as well as prayerfully handling our sacred objects. Altar Guild meets bi-monthly for scheduling/organizational needs and otherwise communicates via email. For questions or to Volunteer, contact Kate Morris Curtin.
Vergers are the primary lay leaders in our worship. Vergers make sure that the other leaders are present, filling in where necessary; they help prepare our community for worship by doing everything from turning on the sound system to serving communion. It’s a ministry focused on helping others to lead effectively and worship without (too many) interruptions. For questions or to volunteer, contact Rev. Anne.
Acolytes (typically 4th graders through high school, though older and younger folks are allowed!) assist with worship: serving communion, lighting candles, carrying the cross in procession, and many other things. It’s a ministry focused on leading our worship in meaningful ways. For questions or to volunteer, contact Rev. Anne.

Ushers are some of the most important people- they welcome everyone! It’s a ministry focused on making sure everyone is safe, comfortable, and has what they need to worship. We’ve all benefited from a friendly usher welcoming us! To volunteer, contact Karen Slagell. For an overview of the usher’s role, click here.

Lectors read the Scriptures to the community, and Intercessors read our Land Acknowledgment and Prayers of the People. (At 8:30, one person does all of these readings.) It’s a ministry focused on speaking publicly and helping people to hear the Word of God and to pray together. To volunteer, contact Parish Administrator Karen Slagell.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers share the chalice with members of the congregation during communion at 10:30. This meaningful ministry is just a lovely opportunity to serve and connect with the congregation during worship. To volunteer, contact Parish Administrator Karen Slagell.
Our tech team helps livestream services when Music Director John Goodell is away or needs assistance at a special service. Instructions are provided, though knowledge of Zoom is helpful. This ministry allows us to keep up our connection to our robust congregation on Zoom, and also to allow for our sermons to be recorded for the podcast. To volunteer or learn more, contact John Goodell.
Lay Eucharistic Visitors visit people in nursing homes or people who are homebound who cannot come to church. They pray with people, share parts of the worship service and news of the church community, and bring communion to people. Lay Eucharistic Visitors must complete Safe Church training and be background checked, and they always travel in pairs. This meaningful ministry is often joyful and incredibly important to those who are visited. To learn more, contact Linda Klimach or Rev. Anne.

Coffee hosts make coffee, set out snacks, and clean up after coffee hour. 8:30 hosts rotate informally, and 10:30 hosts serve in pairs approximately once a month. Snacks are pre-purchased by the church, although you are welcome to bring additions if you choose! To volunteer, contact Rev. Anne.

Parish Leadership

Parish Resources & Stewardship
The Parish Resources Commission cares for the resources of our congregation: reviewing financial reports, stewarding non-Genesis property of St. Clare’s, and attending to insurance and our annual financial review. Working alongside St. Clare’s Treasurers, this group monitors parish assets to maintain a strong foundation for carrying out our ministries, programs, and outreach. For more information, contact Chair Laurie Kantner. The Stewardship Commission plans our annual pledge campaign and encourages the congregation in the generous stewardship of their resources. For more information, contact Chair Peter Millar.

The Connections Commission strives to work in collaboration with our clergy and staff to:

  • Engage in and support activities which welcome and assist newcomers and visitors in making connections within the larger congregation.
  • Encourage, facilitate and support ongoing and new connections among the congregation in a variety of ways (social events, adult learning).
  • Assist in meeting the practical, social, and spiritual needs of St. Clare’s members.
  • Encourage and adapt the healthy continuation of traditional church and social events.
Genesis Board & Committees

The Genesis Board (the entity responsible for the stewardship of our building and the management of our Genesis staff) and its committees are comprised of members from St. Clare’s and Temple Beth Emeth. They are important and necessary areas to support our community’s life, and also provide an interesting opportunity to work with our partner congregation. Click here to learn more about the Genesis board and committees.