Dinner Group

Kim Dolan (kimkdolan@gmail.com) and Chris O’Konek (christineokonek@gmail.com) alternate sharing their homes for Saturday night dinners from 5:30 – 7pm. Please come! We have a seat for you! We set the table with delicious food, friendship, and community.

Cell Mates
This group meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday evenings of the month via Zoom. Participants share from their lives in a safe, confidential setting, looking for ways we’ve encountered God or where we need to be God’s hands. We also read books and discuss them. Laurie Kanter (laurkantner@gmail.com)
Crafting and Conversation

This group meets in person at a nearby restaurant with Zoom back up on the 1st,3rd, and sometimes 5th Sundays from 7 to 9 pm to knit, crochet, or practice other fiber crafts while discussing various topics – sometimes but not always religious. The focus is more spiritual as members offer each other support and solace. Chris Cook (ccook19b@comcast.net)

This group meets weekly on Zoom, Monday at 1pm. We discuss how we are and key life events that have happened during the week before. We select and read books that might aid our spiritual growth or our understanding of God’s call in our lives. We pray for those we feel might need our prayers. Jim Downward (jdownward@comcast.net)
The Ungroup

True to our mission of not being organized or having an agenda, we meet irregularly on 1st and 3rd Thursday nights around 8:30. We mainly discuss life and children and interests. There is beer involved if so desired by participants. Often some religious topic comes up and we talk about it but nothing formal. Barry Fuller (barryfullermd@gmail.com).

Whole Bible Group
We meet every 2nd and 4th Saturday morning on Zoom from 10 to 12. Using books written by Biblical scholars as guides, we examine different books and sections of the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Testament considering a variety theological approaches and recent archeological and historical evidence. Between each of the more cerebral selections, we read a book that is spiritual in nature. Barbara Scoville (bescoville@gmail.com).
Conversations with Scripture
We meet every Tuesday night on Zoom at 7 pm to carefully study one book of the Bible at a time using the Episcopal/Anglican series of Biblical commentaries entitled “Conversations with Scripture.” We move very slowly looking at scripture from all possible angles. What did it mean at the time it was written and what meaning does it have in our world today at a personal, community, and global level? Barbara Scoville (bescoville@gmail.com).
Book Club

We meet at 1pm on the 2nd Wednesday of the month, in person and online via Zoom. Members take turns hosting. The book discussions are informal. Clare Heidema (cheidema@comcast.com).