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Advocate on Behalf of Medical Research Funding

Advocate on Behalf of Medical Research Funding

Changes to NIH funding policies proposed by the Trump administration would deprive medical centers of hundreds of millions of dollars in funding used for clinical trials, research, and safety. The proposed funding changes would cap research overhead expenses at 15% of...

Call for Proposals

Call for Proposals

The Inez Wisdom Endowment Fund is designed to fund items or projects that will enhance the ministries of St. Clare’s and cannot be covered by the annual budget. St. Clare’s Endowment Board is now soliciting grant proposals for such projects. As examples, recent grant...

Lay Leadership for 2025

Lay Leadership for 2025

A huge thank you to all of you who agreed to serve on vestry, to serve as a delegate to Diocesan Convention, or to serve on the Genesis Board. We can’t do what we do without you! At our Annual Meeting on January 26, we elected four people to 3-year terms on vestry...

Genesis Celebration Courtyard

Genesis Celebration Courtyard

Be a lasting part of the Genesis 50th anniversary! Sponsor an engraved brick for the Genesis Celebration Courtyard. In recognition of the 50 years of Genesis Vision that, “By daily embracing mutual trust and respect, we partner with God and one another to heal a...

Nominees for 2025

Nominees for 2025

The Vestry is pleased to present the following nominees for election to St. Clare’s Vestry. Outgoing and continuing Vestry members are listed below. Eligible voters are 16 years of age or older, in the congregation at least 6 months, and faithful in worship, working,...

We Make Church Together!

We Make Church Together!

Would you like to be a part of making church happen on Sunday mornings? All of these roles are open to everyone (even kids)! Vergers wear a black cassock and assist the clergy with various tasks throughout the service. Ushers welcome people to church and help make...

Updating Our Sustaining Prayer List

Updating Our Sustaining Prayer List

Every Sunday, our bulletin includes a list of people for whom we prayer on a long-term basis—on sustaining prayer list. Please take a look at the list, either in the bulletin or by clicking here. If there are names that could be removed, please email or call the...

Estimate of Giving for 2025: Update

Estimate of Giving for 2025: Update

As of Wednesday, December 11, we have received Estimates of Giving from 63 households, totaling $391,489. Six new households completed Estimate of Giving cards this year, and 34 people increased their estimates from last year, with an average increase of 10%. Thank...

Christmas Flowers

Christmas Flowers

At Christmas, St. Clare's Altar Guild decorates the Sanctuary with beautiful poinsettias (and greens) that are purchased from our Flower Fund and sponsored by the congregation as thanksgivings or memorials. You can sign up to sponsor Christmas flowers on the Flower...

Giving Estimate for 2025

Giving Estimate for 2025

We hope you have had sufficient opportunity to prayerfully consider how you will give to St. Clare’s in 2025, and we thank so many of you for already submitting your estimate of giving for 2025. Together we look forward to another year of Worshipping with Joy, Growing...

Save Your Milk Jugs!

Save Your Milk Jugs!

The Genesis Grounds Committee has a project that needs many 1-gallon milk jugs, as many as 600 of them! Rinse them and throw away the caps. These will become mini greenhouses that will stay outside in the rain and snow all winter, until magically, in late spring, they...

Kitchen Items Wanted

Kitchen Items Wanted

We cook most of our meals for children and youth ministry events. We had a great success when we asked for crockpots, so we thought we’d ask again for equipment that would help us continue to save money and make good food for our gatherings! If you have one of these...