Stories of St. Clare’s

The church is the people! Listen to and read some of the stories of why people came to St. Clare’s and why they stay.

Vera Schwankl

Why we came back

Debra & David Stevens

Why we’ve stayed for 18 years

Abram Wagner

My first Sunday, 7 years ago

Pete Ross

Staying amidst challenge

Jennifer Wolf

From the heart

Kim Dolan

Visiting St. Clare’s

John Renehan

What I love about St. Clare’s

Why Share a Story?

2024 Annual Meeting Podcast, with

Ann Putallaz, Knut Hill, Eliza Nuxoll

Word Cloud

St. Clare’s described by St. Clarians at our 2024 Annual Meeting

Cantor Regina Hayut of Temple Beth Emeth: a story of our Genesis partnership

Why St. Clare’s? 2023 Stewardship Talks