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St. Clare’s Vestry meets once per month to weigh in on decisions guiding the purpose and function of St. Clare’s, and participates in an annual retreat held at a Vestry member’s home for planning, goal setting and sharing ideas and hopes for our church community. This is an opportunity to raise current issues and concerns that require special, prayerful attention. Vestry members are elected each January by the congregation. Contact a Vestry member for more information if interested in serving in this capacity!

Barbara Beaton

Barbara Beaton

Senior Warden

Vera Schwankl

Vera Schwankl

Junior Warden

Susan Draffen

Susan Draffen

Mac Dick

Mac Dick

Lucia Cooper

Lucia Cooper

Mark Davis-Craig

Mark Davis-Craig

Geoffrey Ringlee

Geoffrey Ringlee

Barbara Scoville

Barbara Scoville

Sarah Barbrow

Sarah Barbrow

Kim Dolan

Kim Dolan

Joan Nuxoll

Joan Nuxoll

Jackie Sproat

Jackie Sproat

We make church together! If you’re looking for other ways to get involved in leadership, click here.